Eric Jackson: How Do We Awaken Pastors & Churches to Fight

by | Oct 23, 2020 | American Church, Church Leadership, Discipleship, First Amendment, Gospel, Pastor's Perspective, Podcast, Politics and Faith | 0 comments

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TODAY’S GUEST: Eric Jackson, 35, is a Pastor and author of the brand new book, Feral Christian. Eric has filled a variety of ministry positions and is passionate about self-evaluation in Christianity. Eric was ordained through Assemblies of God, trained in Biblical Studies, graduated from UWGB and has extensive ministry experience in a variety of settings and denominations. He is currently the Lead Pastor of Foundation Church in Minocqua, WI.

We discuss how the role of pastor has changed, how the church has changed, particularly in America, and how politics has almost become a four-letter word in churches. It wasn’t always this way.

Order the book, Feral Christian:

What if I told you that on the other side of these fences there is land where the Pauls and the Timothys used to walk? That just beyond these fences of church pews, traditions, and rules there are forests that we once owned? That right past the “that’s just how it’s done”s and “just do what you’re told”s lay a place where we can regain what we’ve lost?

Our strength, our senses, our power, the ability to live the way we were always meant to live: what if they are all still there, waiting for us, just beyond the fence? Fences. Made to keep certain things in, and other things out. To keep the wild animals wild, and the tame animals tame. But which are we?


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