We get an update on her busy life and discuss her brand new book, WORDS FOR WARRIORS: Fight Back Against Crazy Socialists and the Toxic Liberal Left
After hearing all the hatred spewing from ideologues, mainstream media, social justice warriors, and political hacks, Sam Sorbo was fed up: “I’m tired of their games, so I’m calling BS on them. It’s time to set the record straight, especially for the folks who are just trying to enjoy the lives the Lord gave them and want a few things explained in easy-to-understand prose.”
Arranged in an accessible “A-Z” glossary style, readers can dip in to discover the real meanings behind the acronyms, words, and phrases that the toxic liberal left loves to force on the rest of us. From Ad hominem and covidiot to woke and zeitgeist, Words for Warriors is a treasure trove of linguistic gymnastics the Democrats and others employ to further their anti-American agenda.
Sam Sorbo encourages believers to resist the redefinition of God and truth, to fight back and not give up.