Machine Gun of LIES: Networks Refuse to Fact-Check Biden, Cheer Attacks on Gun Rights

by | Apr 9, 2021 | communism, Culture & Morality, Democrat Party, Discrimination, Education, Fake News, False Teaching, Government, Joe Biden, liberal media, Media Bias, Media Watch, Politics and Faith | 0 comments

On Thursday night, ABC, CBS, NBC went all out in their refusal to critique or fact-check President Joe Biden’s erroneous gun control speech from hours earlier, instead siding with the President’s attempts to hurt law-abiding citizens, pass off stabilizing braces as some menacing feature, and lament the lack of wider anti-gun measures.

And when it came to offering an opposing opinion, ABC and CBS couldn’t even be bothered to spend a precious few seconds offering a soundbite from those that support the Second Amendment.


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