‘Roe v. Wade’ movie debuts after relentless opposition

by | Apr 2, 2021 | Abortion, Christianity, Culture & Morality, Democrat Party, Discrimination, Government, Hollywood, Politics and Faith | 0 comments

Loeb portrays Dr. Bernard Nathanson, spotlighting the pioneering abortion doctor’s part in the Roe case and his dramatic conversion to follower of Jesus Christ and leading pro-life activist.

The movie will be streaming on Amazon, iTunes and Google Play, and via on-demand on cable and satellite. It premiered at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February.

Loeb and Allyn began as co-producers but were forced into directing duties when the film’s director and first assistant director quit. In 2018, Loeb recounted to the Hollywood Reporter the abrupt departure of the electrician and others, including the costumer, upon discovery of the film’s approach to the controversial subject.


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