Slate: NBC’s Manifest Is Too ‘Overtly Christian’ and a ‘Q-Adjacent Fantasy’

by | Jul 2, 2021 | Beliefs, Christianity, Culture & Morality, Discrimination, Entertainment, liberal media, Media Bias | 0 comments

The cancel culture crew is coming after shows that express even slightly Christian viewpoints now. Social justice warriors with their god complexes and moral superiority are determined to banish anything that makes them uncomfortable, including entertainment. They came for NBC’s Manifest, a supernatural series full of mysteries and not jam packed with leftist propaganda, for being too “QAnon-ish” and expressing Christian sentiments.

Manifest first aired in 2018, and for the past week it has been number 1 on Netflix’s top 10 shows list. Jeff Rake, the show’s creator and executive producer, supposedly had the next few seasons planned out and he’s not very happy about the cancellation. Despite its popularity on the streaming service, Netflix has refused to take the show for new production. As if we needed more proof of the disconnect between the lefty millionaires running the business and the general public that provides them with their millions.

The show isn’t blatantly conservative or political at all, but according to the intellectuals over at Slate, the series is a “Q-adjacent fantasy.” The author of the piece, Rebecca Onion, also describes the main characters of Manifest as “boringly beautiful white” people. If they were any race but white they definitely wouldn’t be described in that manner.


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