Alisa has been published at The Gospel Coalition, Crosswalk, The Stream, For Every Mom, Decision magazine, and The Christian Post. Her book, Another Gospel: A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity has become a best-seller. I highly recommend her outstanding podcast.
Another Gospel?: A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity
In a Culture of Endless Questions, You Need Solid Answers: Alisa Childers had been raised in a Christian home where she had seen her mom and dad feed the hungry, clothe the homeless, and love the outcast. She had dedicated her own life to leading worship. All that was deeply challenged when she met a progressive pastor who called himself a hopeful agnostic. Another Gospel? describes the journey Alisa took over several years as she wrestled with questions that struck at the core of the Christian faith and found the truth.
No, Martin Luther Was Not a Deconstructionist. And neither was Jesus
JOHN COOPER: Why I Speak So Brazenly About Deconstruction
Where Did the Apostate Emergent (Progressive) Church Emerge From?
*OFFER EXTENDED: Get all 4 of David Fiorazo’s books for $35! (ERADICATE, The Cost of Our Silence, Redefining Truth, and Canceling Christianity) [email protected] or call (800) 979-9010, ext. 105. You can use PayPal (davidfiorazo1) and send $42 ($35 plus postage); stop by the Q90 FM studios, OR mail a check to David Fiorazo c/o Stand Up for the Truth, 1253 Scheuring Road, bldg. 2B, DePere, WI 54115