TODAY’S GUEST is John Haller – pastor, elder, and teacher known for his weekly prophecy updates, but he has also been a trial lawyer for almost 40 years. John and his wife Pam helped start Fellowship Bible Chapel where he is an elder and pastor. His prophecy updates are available on the FBC YouTube channel and cover Bible prophecy, discernment, apologetics and worldview issues.
We discuss ‘off the charts’ propaganda today, the globalist ‘Reset’ influence and government intimidation of citizens; C’v’d tyranny, World Economic Forum, the great truth divide,’ Bible prophecy, Russia’s attack on Ukraine.
John Kerry urges Putin to not let Ukraine invasion distract from combating climate change
Is Ukraine In The Ezekiel 38 Bible Prophecy?
Does the Bible say anything about Russia in relation to the end times?
Chinese Communist Party Rewrites Bible, Cracks Down on Christians – David’s latest
Ukrainian Christians Urge World to Pray: ‘It’s Our Weapon in Times of War’