Jonathan Brentner: Boycotting Prophecy, Transhumanism, Bad Guys of the Bible

by | May 20, 2022 | American Church, Bible Prophecy, communist policy, Deception, Globalism, Marxism, New World Order, Podcast, Spiritual Warfare | 0 comments

TODAY’S GUEST, Jonathan Brentner is a Christian author, writer, former pastor, and speaker. He writes weekly articles for his blog “Our Journey Home” providing sound Biblical understanding and commentary on prophecy and world events. His new book is called The Triumph of the Redeemed – An eternal Perspective that Calms our Fears in Perilous Times.
His latest articles are about transhumanism and pastors ignoring Bible prophecy.

In segment 3, we talk about his previous book which we didn’t get to the last time he was on the podcast…

Bad Guys of the Bible – And What They Teach Us About Walking With God

We can learn so much from how their anger, bitterness, greed, pride, and unforgiving spirit led to disastrous decisions. Bad Guys of the Bible shows how to apply the Gospel to real life situations from which such emotions arise and lead to errant thinking. It provides insight into how a biblical understanding of God’s grace brings us back to a close walk with the Lord when our feelings pull us in another direction.

By examining where the thinking of these guys went awry as a result of allowing their feelings to guide them, we gain valuable insights about how to stay close to the Lord through the ups and downs of life. The book ends on high note with the life of John Mark. He responded to a ministry failure early in his life to later become a valuable member of the early church and to the Apostle Paul. Each chapter ends with a short study guide with questions that one can use to lead a Bible study group or for personal reflection.


Previous Interview with Jonathan Brentner, (Inspiring Testimony!)

Transhumanism: Marching Toward the Mark, NWO

Pastors Boycotting Bible Prophecy Are Sabotaging The Sleeping Church

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Scientism: A New Religious Movement?

Canceling Christianity: How The Left Silences Churches, Dismantles The Constitution, And Divides Our Culture