On today’s podcast, David Fiorazo was blessed to be able to comment on the breaking news of the historic SCOTUS decision overturning Roe V. Wade! Praise God! We first discussed the mainstream advancement of LGBTQ+ ideology and in particular, drag queens and “gender transition” surgery; the Biden admin. wanting taxpayer money “to plan for the second pandemic.” Then in segment 2, we are joined by E.W. Jackson!
SEGMENT 2: E.W. Jackson, host of The Awakening, a national radio talk show on American Family Radio. His goal is to awaken the body of Christ and all Americans to the fundamental threat to the spiritual and moral foundations of our Constitutional Republic. He graduated from the University of Massachusetts and from Harvard Law School. He also studied at Harvard Divinity School and was licensed as a Baptist minister. He is the founder of STAND–Staying True to America’s National Destiny, a nonprofit organization with a mission to bring Americans together across racial and cultural lines to preserve our Judeo-Christian values and heritage.
Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade: States Can Ban Abortion
Why Should We Care About Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood?
Gallup: American’s Belief in God Dips to Historic Low
DHS warns about the Left? Summary of Terrorism Threat to the United States
How The Triumph Of LGBTQ+ Activism Has Negatively Impacted The Church