TODAY’S GUEST: Chad Davidson of Good Fight Ministries and 511 News. Chad is an elder at Blessed Hope Chapel in Simi Valley, CA, serving under Pastor Joe Schimmel. He’s been a youth ministry leader since 2012. Chad’s faith in the Lord came as a result of viewing Pastor Joe’s DVD titled They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll.
Chad is also the Director of Social Media at Good Fight Ministries and host of The Good Fight Radio Show available on all podcast platforms & YouTube. Chad and his wife, Holly, have four children; Eli, Justus, Ariella, and Galilee.
Today, we’re deeply concerned about this topic and compelled to discuss the wickedness and satanic influence of Hollywood, the occult, sports figures, and some of today’s popular celebrities. We talk about Aaron Rodgers spiritual journey, choice of girlfriends and their influence, as well as his praise of a drug called “Ayahauscua” and how it helped him play better.
Stand Up for the Truth GUESTS (List & Links)
Megan Fox Visits Hell with Machine Gun Kelly
Aaron Rodgers, Ayahuasca and Demonology
For Aaron Rodgers, the ‘divine feminine’ made him be a better player, human being
200 Resources You Can Trust!– Be Informed and ‘Connect the Dots’