Carl Teichrib: Implementation of Social Justice Ideology through World History

by | May 31, 2023 | American Church, Bible Prophecy, Deception, Environmentalism, Higher Education, Marxism, New World Order, Podcast, Social Justice, World History | 0 comments

TODAY’S GUEST: Carl Teichrib has authored reports, books, and over 200 articles and essays on globalization and its many subtopics. He is a conference speaker, author of Game of Gods: – The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-Enchantment.  Carl has given lectures across North America and lives in western Canada with his wife and children. [Connect with Carl on Facebook]

We discuss Carl’s research regarding the Communist and Marxist roots of the modern social justice movement, a deceptive ideology and unbiblical worldview that has crept into American churches. He contributed a chapter “All for One and Theft for All,” for the brand new Lighthouse Trails book, A Christian Perspective on Social Justice. 

A Christian Perspective on the Social Justice Movement – The world has gone through a paradigm shift, and we now find ourselves living in a “social justice world.” Many would believe that is a good thing and finally the world can rid itself of racism, poverty, and injustice. Even many Christians have come to embrace this “new” way of thinking and dealing with society’s problems. But as Christian believers, do we really understand what lies behind the social justice movement? And do we truly comprehend what the “fruit” of this cultural “revolution” will be to both our society and the church? This book navigates the turbulent social justice issue—from a Christian perspective.


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