Dr. Ingrid Skop: FDA & Abortion Kill Pill, New Ways to Do Evil

by | May 2, 2023 | Abortion, Big Pharma, Christianity, Culture & Morality, Deception, Democrat Party, Fake News, Marxism, Podcast, Pro-Life, Social Justice, Worldview | 0 comments

TODAY:  Dr. Ingrid Skop, Vice President and Director of Medical Affairs for Charlotte Lozier Institute, leveraging more than 25 years’ experience as a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist to support research and policies that respect the dignity of every human life. Dr. Skop is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, where she uses science and statistics to counter pro-abortion agendas, and is a lifetime member of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Prior to joining Charlotte Lozier Institute, Dr. Skop served for over 25 years in private practice in San Antonio, where she delivered more than 5,000 babies and personally cared for many women who had been harmed, physically and emotionally, from complications due to abortion. She has stood firm against prominent pro-abortion politicians who choose not to follow the science regarding fetal heartbeat and development.

We discuss the life and death battle over human lives in mother’s wombs including the dangerous and controversial abortion pill with Dr. Ingrid Skop of the Charloette Lozier Institute; SEG 2 – we discuss the invitation to swear allegiance to King Charles this weekend at his coronation, ecumenism, racism, and social justice Christians pushing for unity (uniformity).



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