There is a growing schism going on in within Christianity in America. It has been slow and subtle, but it is reaching the point where serious disciples of Jesus Christ are starting to take notice. This schism is centered around two important points:
Is the Christian walk about salvation, or holiness?
The Church’s relationship with the world.
Jesus warned that many who called Him “lord” would be condemned to eternal hell. Jesus and the Apostles warned that a great apostasy would infect the professing church in the days leading up to the Lord’s return. The Bible is clear that evil would grow exponentially in the final days and that Christians are to be a unique, holy people set aside for the glory of God. This means the true Church of Jesus Christ should be increasingly contradictory to the teachings and behaviors of this wicked world. Instead, some churches are intent on looking more like the world.
Mike and Crash discuss this great schism and how Christians who are serious about pursuing holy living can determine if they are in a church that is increasingly unique, or one that is conforming to the world.