An Unclear Battle Cry from Church Leadership

by | Feb 18, 2019 | Abortion, Apologetics, Beliefs, Christian Church, Church Leadership, Culture & Morality, Gospel, Podcast | 0 comments

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Jay Seegert

The Starting Point Project

Jay is the Keynote Speaker and Managing Director for The Starting Point Project. Over the past 29 years, Jay has spoken in numerous churches, conferences, secular schools, Christian schools, universities and various other venues, with audiences ranging from 50 to over 5,000. Learn more


Make no mistake: as Christians we are at war with this world.  No, we do not use the world’s weapons or tactics, but Paul says in 2 Corinthians 10 that we have divine (spiritual) weapons able to to destroy arguments and lofty opinions of this world that are opposed to God and truth.

But many are wondering why a growing number of church leaders are not calling and equipping believers to fight this crucial spiritual battle for the eternal souls of our friends and neighbors.  Where are the leaders rallying, challenging, and equipping Christians for this battle?  We seem intent on looking more and more like the world we are supposed to win to Christ.

Jay Seegert of The Starting Point Project joins us to talk about the crucial need for church and family leadership in these days of growing confusion and evil.



First Transgender Man to Legally Identity as Neither Renounces Transgenderism

A former Oregon resident who became the first person in the United States allowed by a court to legally identify as “non-binary” (neither male or female) on his driver’s license has “renounced all ties to transgenderism” and has now declared in a blog post: “I am and have always been male.”

“In my thirty-plus-year marriage, I am the husband. To my daughter, I am her father. I no longer identify as a transgender or non-binary person and renounce all ties to transgenderism,”  “I will not be a party to advancing harmful gender ideologies that are ruining lives, causing deaths and contributing to the sterilization and mutilation of gender-confused children,” he declared.

From Transgender to Transformed

On the heels of rebellious teenage years, Laura lived as a transgender man for nearly a decade of her adult life. Other than her family and select friends, though, most people just knew Laura as “Jake.”

“Laura’s testimony, and the testimony of the Perry family, is proof that Jesus is the answer to sin and life’s struggles,” he said. “I am so thankful for this dear family, and I pray Laura’s testimony of salvation and new life in Christ will continue to inspire many people.”