What people need now is more clarity and less confusion. Media, government and public education continue to push an agenda clouded in moral relativism, appealing to our desires and emotions but short on facts and reality. A political example would be the “New Green Deal” being advanced by Democratic presidential candidates. It sounds wonderful, but it glosses over the potential destruction it could bring to our economy and government infringement on our way of life.

What we all need is more clarity and less confusion. For Christians, we need church leaders who are clear about the Word and doctrines of God, leaders who stand strong against the deception of the enemy. But instead of clarity we seem to be getting neutrality, silence, or double speak from too many Christian leaders in America.

Pastor Mike Abendroth of No Compromise Radio joins us to discuss how  and why the church must bring biblical clarity in the midst of confusion and equip believers to do ministry and be light in a dark world.



Listen to Pastor Abendroth’s sermons at BBC Church