
Carl Kerby

Carl Kerby is a former air-traffic controller and a creation apologist speaker who teaches how to defend the Bible against scientific naturalism. He was one of the founding board members for Answers in Genesis, and has been described by AiG as one of their most dynamic lecturers on the Book of Genesis After serving with Answers in Genesis for over 15 years, Carl became the Founder and President of Reasons for Hope.

Check out Carl Kerby’s ‘Academy of Hope’

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Two facts are indisputable these days. First, the world is growing more evil. Darkness is increasing and God’s Word is being openly mocked and ridiculed. The second fact is too many believers, people who profess to be Christians, are ignorant of the truth of God’s Word. This leads to being ineffective in bearing fruit, living the Christian life and sharing the gospel of salvation with others.  This not only opens the door for confusion, chaos, or crisis in society – but also in the church.

Our guest today, Carl Kerby of Reasons for Hope Ministries, is tackling these problems head on, speaking, traveling, and by producing a video series called “deBUNKED,” answering key questions and refuting statements of skeptics. Carl is teaching Christians how to be effective in sharing the gospel and be better apologists for God.