
Gary Kah

Gary Kah is the former Europe & Middle East Trade Specialist for the Indiana state government. While in that position he traveled extensively overseas working closely with the economic staff at American Embassies on trade-related projects. During that time, he learned of efforts underway to establish a one-world political/financial system. He also discovered there was a religious motivation connected with these endeavors.

Gary has written two best-selling books detailing his experiences and explaining the goals of the one-world/interfaith movement. His books, En Route to Global Occupation and The New World Religion, are fully documented and are critical in understanding today’s global developments – including the unfolding financial crisis and rapidly changing events in the Middle East.


Everywhere we look these days we see a world that is confused, chaotic and defying God.  Satan is masterfully manipulating and using worldly systems—government, education and media–to indoctrinate people into the belief that if we do not unite behind secular humanist beliefs that all will be lost.  And increasingly anyone who professes their faith in Jesus Christ is being marginalized, bullied and intimidated into silence.

Gary Kah of Hope for the World Ministry has been writing about the move to globalism and a one world religion for over 30 years.  This morning he joins us to discuss how global powers are uniting economically, socially and religiously to usher in the one world government and religion that the Bible warns us about.