Over the past several years, as violence has escalated in our nation, the topic of mental illness has been front and center. Now the call is to make sure people suffering with mental illness have their legal firearms confiscated before they put others in danger. As we will discuss in our final segment this rush toward “Red Flag Laws” is fraught with dangers as it has yet to be determined how one is classified as “mentally ill”. We cover a story from Psychology Today that indicates people who are “fundamentally religious” should be considered “mentally ill”.
But first, many Christians who struggle with anxiety or depression make the medical community the first place they visit to receive help. And often they find their problems only grow worse because the advice they receive is not based on the Word of God. Dr. Ab Abercrombie of The Biblical Counseling Institute joins us to discuss the need to develop biblically based Christian Counselors in the local church to help Christians who struggle with anxiety, grief or depression.