John Haller: Good-Bye 2020, Hello Covid, Cancel Culture, & Communist Policy

by | Dec 31, 2020 | 2020 election, Bible Prophecy, Christianity, COVID 19, Globalism, Israel, Kamala Harris, Media Bias, Podcast, Religious Freedom | 0 comments

TODAY’S GUEST: John Haller is a pastor, elder, and teacher known for his weekly prophecy updates, but he has also been a trial lawyer for almost 40 years. In 2013, John and his wife Pam helped start Fellowship Bible Chapel where he is an elder and pastor. His prophecy updates are available on the FBC YouTube channel and cover Bible prophecy, discernment, apologetics and worldview issues.

John Haller says the leftist-driven “cancel culture’ is a sobering indication of how they will treat Christians in the very near future.”

From a biblical worldview, we attempt to sum up one of the most chaotic, tumultuous years in our lifetimes. 2020. We discuss COVID-19 (a very real virus with very fake numbers being reported), Geopolitics, Israel, cancel culture and religious freedom.

“We are approaching a point of no return. Will we travel over the edge into an abyss of darkness from which nothing can escape, or choose wisely and take a different course to temporarily delay the inevitable judgment that is coming?” John Haller


John Haller’s Prophecy Update DEC 27: “Hindsight Will Soon Be 2020”

The Best of 2020! Pastors & Patriots on Stand Up for the Truth