Andy Woods: Cyber Warfare and The Divided States of Marxism?

by | Jan 7, 2021 | 2020 election, Pastor's Perspective, Podcast | 2 comments

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TODAY’S GUEST:  Dr. Andy Woodsauthor, pastor and teacher at Sugar Land Bible Church in Texas, President of Chafer Theological Seminary, and founder of Andy Woods Ministries. A few of his books include The Coming Kingdom, The Falling AwayEver Reforming, and The Middle East Meltdown: The Coming Islamic Invasion of Israel.

We discuss the narrative war in America, cyberwarfare, what happened yesterday at the U.S. Capital, a social justice pastor’s call for Andy Woods and David Fiorazo to repent for previous podcast comments, and how in the world (and in Georgia) could a radical, liberation theologian such as Warnock get elected to the Senate?

“Based on the latest headlines, it looks like the coup is practically complete. Is there any hope in stopping it? Christians need to prepare for a Marxist controlled government in the house and senate and presidency. Harris will now be our president. If all of this is true, what does the future hold?” Andy Woods


America on the Brink: (Part 6) – Andy Woods “Pastor’s Point of View” – Was the 2020 election stolen through the use of the hammer and scorecard?

Proof Positive: Coordinated Cyberwarfare Attack On US by China, Russia, Iran to Steal Election

Canadian church pens epic response after police charge six elders for holding services in defiance of lockdowns

America In The Balance – Dr. James Dobson (a good outline here that we can use as a foundation to prepare God’s people for what is coming after Jan. 20)

Ten Things I Learned in 2020 – David Fiorazo

CHINA DRIVING THE LIBERAL MEDIA MARXIST COUP – Last month’s podcast with Andy Woods (one of our top 5 most popular)

Citizens for Free Speech