BOOK: Spirit of the Antichrist – the Gathering Cloud of Deception– Packed with research, including thirty-eighty pages of bibliographic sources, Dr. Hixson connects the dots through history and Scripture, and shows how the Luciferians have entered their end game, which means the Rapture is closer than ever!
We discuss increasing demonic agendas progressing through the nations today, particularly in the U.S. The globalist left is stoking the flames of division and fear while they push godless ideologies including transgenderism and a one world government system. How can Christians respond in faith and stay in the fight for truth?
It is easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, in the face of opposition, to stand up for it. A.A. Hodge
Your Favorite Guests on Stand Up for the Truth! (List & Links)
FBI raids home of Catholic pro-life speaker, author with guns drawn as his terrified kids watch
JB Hixson: Transhumanism Exposed
Alfred Kinsey — A Pioneer Of Perversion Who Paved The Way For Today’s Sex ‘Education’
200 Resources You Can Trust!– Be Informed and ‘Connect the Dots’
EDUCATED – New show with Katie Petrick and David at Freedom Project