[Originally aired 9/21/23] Pastor, teacher, bible scholar Andy Woods returns to Stand Up to chat about the coming tyrannical kingdom of Antichrist. It’s amazing to see on paper how far advanced is the construction of a global everything, and how close we actually may be to the hour that is to try all those who dwell upon the earth, as described in the book of Revelation. Of course Israel is the timeclock and we will talk about how the west seems to be working overtime to pressure Israel on many fronts. Also discussed is the Third Temple, Gog and Magog, and more levels of control in the US over her citizens. Dr. Woods’ books include “Middle East Meltdown” and Babylon: “The Bookends of Prophetic History”; his weekly “Pastors Point of View” updates can be found on YouTube.

Andy’s new app on the Apple Store HEREAndroid Store HERE

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