Pastor Kevin Minske: The Battle at the Door of the American Church

We discuss modern church effectiveness and methodology, why many American evangelical churches operate more like a business than a ministry. Pastors resemble CEOs rather than watchmen, shepherds, and evangelists. Why? We look briefly at Rick Warren and the seeker-sensitive church growth movement and some of its fruit, as well as a few recent headlines.

Dran Reese: Salt & Light Church, Politics & Pulpits

We tackle the ongoing debate about what it means to be salt and light for Christ in our culture as His ambassadors. We also discuss why the church seems divided over this issue of what is defined “political” and what to say from the pulpit on Sunday mornings. In segment 3, David shares thoughts on people’s confusion and division over pivotal issues as well as quotes from Rand Paul and David Horowitz.

Russ Miller: Worldview War, Compromise on Truth, Age of the Earth

Russ Miller: Worldview War, Compromise on Truth, Age of the Earth

We discuss how important it is for Christians to have a solid foundation on the Word of God, especially the Book of Genesis, and that the Global Flood is the lynchpin in the War of Worldviews (Secular/Humanist view vs Biblical view). We also touch on compromised Christian views such as theistic evolution.

Dr. Patrick Flynn: Immunity, Inflammation, CvD, and ‘Gene Therapy’ Concerns

We discuss solutions to the health problems most of us have been dealing with as well as the lies and deception that has led to wrong thinking on medical information. Also, why the words “I disagree” are such an important and needed part of our frequent conversations when facing assumptions, traditions, and political ideologies driving public debates today.

John Haller: Headlines & Accelerating End Times Events

We discuss the importance of Christians being well-grounded in the truth of God’s Word and being informed about the dark agendas rapidly increasing all around us. John Haller comments on several top news stories including ongoing deception and medical tyranny, big tech censorship of all who disagree with CvD jabs, furthering the O’Biden agenda while ignoring the casualties, and more.

Jeff Solwold: Pastor’s Perspective! Discipleship, Faith, Fear, and Religious Freedom

We discuss the relevance and importance of studying Bible prophecy, Old Testament scripture, and teaching the full counsel of God at our churches so the saints can be equipped. We also look at current health threats, religious freedom, fear of man and how believers in Christ should respond to the barrage of issues that we are facing.

Dr. Duke Pesta: Education System Producing Social Justice Activists

We discuss the current (declining) state of education in America and why Christian parents should be aware and moved to action. Plus, we look at some alarming news stories coming out of the universities including their blatant agenda to radicalize students to be social justice activists; Dr. Duke also exposes the dishonest, re-written history being taught today.