John Loeffler: Radical, Godless ‘Woke’ Transformation is Here

John Loeffler: Radical, Godless ‘Woke’ Transformation is Here

John Loeffler of Steel on Steel radio is back with us to weigh in on current news and concerning events in America and worldwide. We get John’s take on the prolonged pandemic and how it will impact the United States long term. Also, is America being Europeanized? We discuss how the nation is undergoing a transformation founded in moral panic in which government, media and big tech are wielding power.

Brad Mattes: Life Issues and the Worldview War

Brad Mattes: Life Issues and the Worldview War

We discuss recent news on abortion and euthanasia, how the anguish of abortion also impacts men, legislation, the evil and hypocrisy of Planned Parenthood. David also touches on so-called Christians under 40 saying Jesus is not the only way to salvation, and the controversy over The Chosen producer, Dallas Jenkins’ comments about Mormons and Christians

Lt. General William Boykin: Marxism, Masculinity, U.S. Military, and Persecution

Lt. General William Boykin: Marxism, Masculinity, U.S. Military, and Persecution

We discuss the attack on masculinity today, Marxism in American culture and in the U.S. Military, religious persecution, Biden administration policies weakening the nation, the need for bold Christian pastors and the role of the church in these troubled times.

Dr. Lee Merritt: Answers Questions on Vax Remorse, China, CVD, Mandatory Shots, Treatments

Dr. Lee Merritt: Answers Questions on Vax Remorse, China, CVD, Mandatory Shots, Treatments

I agree with today’s guest: we are in a war, they are going after our children, and they’re using emergency authority. Medical misinformation is off the charts and government has become god to lots of people. Medicine has been weaponized and government is forcing the surrender of our physical bodies. How is this constitutional and how do we respond?

Israel Wayne: Public ‘Education’ System Cannot Be Reformed

Israel Wayne: Public ‘Education’ System Cannot Be Reformed

We discuss the increasing discrimination against those who hold to a biblical Christian worldview, as well as the increasing pressure on parents and teachers; the dire plight of Christians in Afghanistan resulting from Biden administration’s atrocious policies, and the Marxist infiltration of America’s public schools – 100 years in the making. 

Stephen Black: Freedom From Homosexuality & the ‘Born That Way’ Lie

Stephen Black: Freedom From Homosexuality & the ‘Born That Way’ Lie

Today on Stand Up For The Truth host David Fiorazo speaks with author, Stephen H. Black, Executive Director with First Stone Ministries. They discuss cultural lies about homosexuality as well as the deception in the church, influenced by secular humanism. David also addresses Maxine Water’s irresponsible comments and how the Left is setting the stage for open season on Christians, conservatives, and Republicans.

Jay Seegert: Don’t Give Up, There’s Victory in Christ!

Jay Seegert: Don’t Give Up, There’s Victory in Christ!

Political division, a pandemic, government shut downs, mask mandates, racial tension; how should Christians respond?

We discuss reasons why some are feeling down or overwhelmed, but we have God’s promise that, “greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 The Lord is not surprised by anything happening in our country and He sees the end from the beginning. People need hope today more than ever, and the Gospel is the answer.