Steven Bancarz: God’s Sovereignty, Hope During Coronavirus, Pandemics

Steven Bancarz: God’s Sovereignty, Hope During Coronavirus, Pandemics

Today’s special guest is former New Ager, Steven Bancarz, founder of the apologetics website, Reasons for Jesus. We discuss God’s sovereignty and the truth of His Word in the midst of COVID 19. How should we understand pandemics as Christians? Where does God stand in relationship to disease, disasters, or other natural evils? And what has God promised us that can help assure our hearts during this time? By understanding the sovereignty of God and promises of eternal life, we can prepare ourselves emotionally for any pandemic that comes our way, COVID-19 included.

Mary Danielsen: ‘Privacy, Meet Pandemic’ – ID2020 & Government Solutions

Mary Danielsen: ‘Privacy, Meet Pandemic’ – ID2020 & Government Solutions

We discuss the ‘Coronavirus crisis’ and the global push for government solutions, a cashless society, virus tracking, and a digital identity for every human being. We start by addressing the citizen ‘freedom protests’ in many states due to the shut down and government overreach.

Good News Bad News, How & When To Re-Open States?

Good News Bad News, How & When To Re-Open States?

Today is a news and headline day along with plenty of commentary on state, national, and world events. As Christians, we must stay in God’s Word and be well-grounded. The foundation of our faith and worldview must be firmly planted in and on the truth of Jesus Christ. He is our only hope, peace, security, and stability in these crazy times!

John Haller: The World Domino Effect of Shut Down

John Haller: The World Domino Effect of Shut Down

Today’s guest writes, “A good friend and colleague reminded me that nothing is ever about us, never was about , and never will be about us. It is about those people around us who are seeking answers in a world that has none that can satisfy;  …We are only the ambassadors, carrying an urgent message to those who will listen and receive; …”Live your life in faith, regardless of whether or not things get back to “normal” and watch Him move. And before you know it, He’s gonna’ make a lot of noise!” John Haller

Shea Houdmann: Why Would God Allow COVID 19?

Shea Houdmann: Why Would God Allow COVID 19?

Shea Houdmann is the founder and CEO of Shea received a Bachelors of Arts in Biblical Studies from Calvary University and a Masters of Arts in Christian Theology from Calvary Theological Seminary.

Got Questions Ministries has been in existence since 2002 and seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually related questions through an internet presence.

Andy Woods: COVID Craziness! Church, State, and Scripture

Andy Woods: COVID Craziness! Church, State, and Scripture

Happy Great Friday where God in the flesh, Jesus Christ endured the cross and crucifixion, suffering for us that we might be saved from the wrath of God! Sunday’s coming, friends!

First, it’s been said ‘Freedom is tested in the midst of a crisis.’ We certainly are in a worldwide crisis that has affected nearly every family and American citizen in some way. Today we’re blessed to have a guest who can provide much clarity and insight on what is happening in the midst of COVID 19 and how Christians should be responding.

TODAY’S GUEST is Dr. Andy Woods, pastor of Sugar Land Bible Church, President of Chafer Theological Seminary, and founder of Andy Woods Ministries.

Kathy Barnette: Being Christian, Black & Conservative in America

Kathy Barnette: Being Christian, Black & Conservative in America

Kathy Barnette is an author, conservative political commentator, veteran, a former adjunct Professor of Corporate Finance, conference speaker, and is running for U.S. Congress in Pennsylvania. Her mother was raped at 11 years old but in the midst of horrific circumstances, decided to give birth to a beautiful baby girl.

Kathy Barnette sat on the Board of a pregnancy crisis center for 5 years, but perhaps her most cherished opportunity, to date, besides being a wife, is the ability to homeschool her two children. Her book, “Nothing to Lose,  Everything to Gain:  Being Black and Conservative in America” explains why liberal policies have failed the black community time and time again.

Chris Quintana: Separating Facts from Fear, Fiction, Foolishness

Chris Quintana: Separating Facts from Fear, Fiction, Foolishness

Pastor Chris Quintana joins David today. Chris was the pastor at Calvary Chapel of Cypress (since 2010), California and just moved to Texas. Chris has a great love for teaching God’s Word and for Bible prophecy.

Today’s topics: the difference between doctrine and theology, perspective on death and stats on COVID 19 deaths compared to the flu, what is an “essential business” now, government power, infringements on our freedoms, media bias and hatred of Trump, the need for prayer and level-headed leaders.

Todd Nettleton UPDATE: Persecution Continues Regardless of Pandemic

Todd Nettleton UPDATE: Persecution Continues Regardless of Pandemic

Even in the midst of a worldwide virus threatening our health and way of life, outside the United States, Christianity is increasing and the gospel is being preached in the face of severe opposition. The underground church grows in spite of very real government threats. There are practical ways we can help our persecuted family. Todd Nettleton says the number one thing is still prayer. 

Jan Markell: An Upside Down World – Signs of the Times

Jan Markell: An Upside Down World – Signs of the Times

“God doesn’t shake the entire globe very often. He did during the time of Noah and at the Tower of Babel. There was a terrible plague in the 1300s and a pandemic in 1918. Two world wars took a stunning toll. But now an unseen enemy—a virus, no less—has created fear-driven chaos, and some unknown factors are causing people to embrace a worst-case outlook for the world. At this time, we don’t know how this plays out. It certainly has apocalyptic implications.” – Jan Markell, today’s guest