Carl Teichrib: Interfaithism and Transformational Culture

Carl Teichrib: Interfaithism and Transformational Culture

Mary Danielsen welcomes back Carl Teichrib to navigate interfaithism and transformational culture, designed to speed humanity forward into a global spirituality. Carl is a researcher's researcher who travels to transformational festivals to view firsthand the lies of...

James Spencer: Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves in the Political Arena

James Spencer: Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves in the Political Arena

Mary welcomes back author and theologian James Spencer,  currently serving as President of D. L. Moody Center, an independent non-profit organization inspired by the life and ministry of Dwight Moody and dedicated to proclaiming the gospel and challenging God’s people...

Headlines: If the Bible Contained No Prophecy, There Would Be No End in Sight

Headlines: If the Bible Contained No Prophecy, There Would Be No End in Sight

Mary Danielsen explores the week's top stories with the backdrop of "What if the Bible had no prophecy?" Think about all the promises of God for the believer, now they are no longer available to cheer us and give us hope. How would we get up in the morning without the...

Replay – Inductive Bible Study: Observing, Interpreting, Applying the Word With Skill

Replay – Inductive Bible Study: Observing, Interpreting, Applying the Word With Skill

[Original airdate: 7/20/23] Ruth Christian and Mary Danielsen discuss the Inductive Bible Study tool to help the listener reignite their study of the Scriptures. Inductive study is for anyone who desires a deeper knowledge of the proper context of the Word and how to...