America at a Cultural and Moral Tipping Point

America at a Cultural and Moral Tipping Point

We have arrived at a moral and cultural tipping point in America and are in desperate need of a wake-up call. Let’s start with the spiritual. There are over 300,000 churches in this nation, but fewer people than ever are living out their faith. Atheism is increasing and only 2 percent of today’s young parents have a biblical worldview. 

The influence of Christianity has steadily decreased while our culture has become secularized. Threats against true believers and hostility toward the God of the Bible is growing as the left has become emboldened. We may have reached our Bonhoeffer moment. 

Our religious freedoms are under attack, and as the nation lurches further left and millions of Christians don’t vote in elections, some believe there’s still time to prevent the complete destruction of our nation. I’m not so sure.

Bill Federer: When Americans Fail to Understand Socialism and True History

Bill Federer: When Americans Fail to Understand Socialism and True History

Author and historian, Bill Federer is our guest and one of his books we will touch on today is Socialism – The Real History from Plato to the Present. We also discuss the gradual acceptance of socialism in America, the education system, tyrannical governments, molders of public opinion, how government has tried taking the place of the church, and more. 

Pastor Kevin Minske: Biblical Worldview, Authority, and God’s Order

Pastor Kevin Minske: Biblical Worldview, Authority, and God’s Order

We discuss the importance of God’s Word and its authority in our lives, as well as how to respond to questions about life, what a biblical worldview consists of, and how we can do better at reasoning from the Scriptures and leading people to the truth of Jesus Christ.

Robert Meyer: America’s Democrat Media Keep Misinformation, Trump Front & Center

Robert Meyer: America’s Democrat Media Keep Misinformation, Trump Front & Center

Play Episode TODAY’S GUEST is Robert Meyer of Renew America. Robert is known to expose the fallacies of knee-jerk arguments about politics, religion, and life. Seeking to develop precepts for every aspect of life — based on a conservative Christian...

Scott Lively: ‘Christian Nationalism,’ the Jab & the Left’s Playbook

Scott Lively: ‘Christian Nationalism,’ the Jab & the Left’s Playbook

We discuss two major pages in the Left’s playbook: accusing true believers of ‘Christian Nationalism’ in order to silence us, and propagating lies about the Cvd jab even though stats and truth are being exposed; misinformation, and how believers must pray, vote, and speak while we still can!

Fiorazo: The Left Opposes ‘God, Family, Country’

Fiorazo: The Left Opposes ‘God, Family, Country’

Today, David Fiorazo breaks down news and current events from the perspective of a biblical worldview. He starts in Italy with the election of conservative, Giorgia Meloni, being attacked by the intolerant left for valuing God, family, children, and nationalism. Also, another school district begins teaching sex-ed to kindergartners; CNN warns of ‘rapture anxiety,’ and more.

Rev. Jim Harden: 4 Months, No Arrests of Abortion Terrorists; The Left Celebrates Kinsey

Rev. Jim Harden: 4 Months, No Arrests of Abortion Terrorists; The Left Celebrates Kinsey

CompassCare’s Buffalo, NY office was firebombed by abortion terrorists nearly four months ago! Even though this act of domestic terrorism was captured by security cameras, the FBI has not made a single arrest, exposing the corrupt Biden Democrats and so-called Department of Justice. Rev. Jim Harden is here to raise awareness.

On Today’s podcast in part 2, (listener warning) we connect the dots between criminal, perverse sex researcher Alfred Kinsey to today’s ‘sex-ed’ school curriculum and the modern normalization of adultery, abortion, homosexuality, and soon, pedophilia.

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

What’s the difference between a preborn baby and a firstborn baby? Location; just a few inches. Human life is not defined by size, level of development, environment (location), or degree of dependency! [S.L.E.D.] 

Some have responded and refuted the lie Kamala Harris is pedaling to a biblically illiterate American people saying things like “one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held religious beliefs” to defend abortion. Okay, one  may not have to “abandon” your faith to endorse abortion, you just have to contradict or ignore it…

Fiorazo: IRS, Attacks on Conservatives, & Weapons of ‘Mass Distraction’

Fiorazo: IRS, Attacks on Conservatives, & Weapons of ‘Mass Distraction’

Today, host, David Fiorazo discusses some recent news stories including a Children’s hospital promoting “gender-affirming hysterectomies” for young girls who identify as transgender; we discuss the avalanche of socialist policies being implemented, the Democrat’s spending bill and beefing up the IRS already having history of attacking Christians and conservatives. Finally, David summarizes the dangers of our government and shares some actual documented Communist Goals from 1958.

Daniel Smithwick: Nehemiah Institute, Biblical Worldview, PC Education, Marxism in America

Daniel Smithwick: Nehemiah Institute, Biblical Worldview, PC Education, Marxism in America

We discuss education, how it was never intended to be under control of secular government; biblical worldview battles in both culture and in many churches, the influence of godless socialists and Marxists in America, and the importance of building a foundation on Christ the Cornerstone.

Rusty Thomas: Life & Death, Spiritual Battle over Abortion in U.S.

Rusty Thomas: Life & Death, Spiritual Battle over Abortion in U.S.

David and Rusty Thomas discuss the spiritual roots of abortion in this life and death battle that the church began to lose by opening the door for exceptions. We also talk about the need for today’s pulpits to again be “aflame with righteousness” as they were 200 years ago; the Kansas vote on abortion restrictions and how the left has deceived the public and changed language. We also challenge the church to stand on the authority of the Bible on this and every issue. 

Julaine Appling: The Left Is Out of Touch with Most Americans, Polls

Julaine Appling: The Left Is Out of Touch with Most Americans, Polls

We start with some good news today in a major win for religious freedom against medical tyranny; a good health report from Julaine, and we also discuss the attack on children in public schools by the U.S. Dept. of Education as well as what’s coming down through teachers and the NEA. Plus, more polls show Biden-Pelosi-Schumer Democrats are grossly out of step with the American public when it comes to these issues.

Harold Eustache: CRT Is Deceptive, Destructive, and Permeates Education & Government (Critical Race Theory)

Harold Eustache: CRT Is Deceptive, Destructive, and Permeates Education & Government (Critical Race Theory)

We discuss the dangers of Critical Race Theory (CRT), a Marxist-driven ideology, as well as “Social Emotional Learning” (SEL), both of which are already in many public school curriculums. What are these ideologies and what should parents do now that they know?

Heidi St. John: Calling Christian Conservatives – Test Positive for Freedom!

Heidi St. John: Calling Christian Conservatives – Test Positive for Freedom!

Heidi shares what she has learned running for Congress and her first response may surprise you! We discuss worldview issues in America and how the church has generally responded to cultural immorality and godlessness. We share her heart that true believers must be vocal and active in order to awaken the sleeping giant of the American church before it’s too late.

Author & Podcast Host, David Fiorazo Speaking in Oshkosh, WI July 14!

Author & Podcast Host, David Fiorazo Speaking in Oshkosh, WI July 14!

Author and Stand Up for the Truth host, David Fiorazo will be speaking in Oshkosh, WI on Thursday, July 14 about the biblical worldview, Christians as salt and light in culture, U.S. history, the progressive moral decline, and where we go from here. Calvary Sonrise Church, 222 Church Ave. 6:30 – 8 PM

The Last 100 Years in America 

Terra Koslowski – Sex Trafficking; Julaine Appling – Abortion, Post-ROE State Battle

Terra Koslowski – Sex Trafficking; Julaine Appling – Abortion, Post-ROE State Battle

We first discuss how sex trafficking is a national problem “hidden in plain sight” with Terra Koslowski, Outreach Director of Damascus Road Project. Next, we catch up with Julaine Appling of Wisconsin Family Council and discuss the Roe V Wade ruling by the Supreme Court and what individuals and states must now do at the local level with the ultimate goal of making abortion unthinkable.

JB Hixson: SCOTUS Did NOT Abolish Abortion, Demonic Agenda Continues

JB Hixson: SCOTUS Did NOT Abolish Abortion, Demonic Agenda Continues

Play Episode TODAY'S GUEST is Dr. JB HIXSON, author and pastor of Plum Creek Chapel near Denver, CO. JB is the founder of Not By Works Ministries, has written ten books, and his latest is, Spirit of the Antichrist – the Gathering Cloud of Deception. He...