Headlines: The Great Election Reset; The Wise and the Foolish; Bird Flu Angst

Headlines: The Great Election Reset; The Wise and the Foolish; Bird Flu Angst

In today’s headlines, the biggest story of the week is the EU election sabotage. Both France and the UK have given things over to the scoundrels who work out back room politics – and to what end? The Spirit of the Age, in this late hour, is a socialist,...
JB Hixson: Men Who Rule the World from the Grave- Gods of the Mind

JB Hixson: Men Who Rule the World from the Grave- Gods of the Mind

Today Mary Danielsen chats with JB Hixson on the influence – and confluence – of seven of the most influential men in history. Although they mostly represent ideologies of a more recent history, the dots worth connecting today are among those men who have...
Headlines: Criminal Courts, Kangaroo Courts, and the EU Lurches Right

Headlines: Criminal Courts, Kangaroo Courts, and the EU Lurches Right

Mary Danielsen discusses top headlines for this 162nd day of 2024. Around 50% of the world will hold elections this year, a watershed year for ideologies. The right, in a global sense, is on full boil over globalist power grabs over climate change and other tyrannical...
Professor Gershaneck: To Win without Fighting, Defining Ch*na’s Political Warfare (archived)

Professor Gershaneck: To Win without Fighting, Defining Ch*na’s Political Warfare (archived)

From what we can find (or not find) this article was posted on a military training website and removed in November, 2023. We did some digging and found a PDF version of that web article. It’s an extremely long read, but I believe it is a great historical...
Replay – Andy Woods: Building the Antichrist Kingdom; Cornering Israel

Replay – Andy Woods: Building the Antichrist Kingdom; Cornering Israel

[Originally aired 9/21/23] Pastor, teacher, bible scholar Andy Woods returns to Stand Up to chat about the coming tyrannical kingdom of Antichrist. It’s amazing to see on paper how far advanced is the construction of a global everything, and how close we...
Replay – Patricia Engler: Surviving the Worldview Battle in Academia – Zero Compromise

Replay – Patricia Engler: Surviving the Worldview Battle in Academia – Zero Compromise

[Original airdate: 8/24/23] Patricia Engler of Answers in Genesis talks about the importance of our youth maintaining their biblical worldview once they leave for the halls of academia. After studying at a secular university,  she backpacked around the world to...