Sean Patrick Tario: Stop Giving Big Tech Your Money

Sean Patrick Tario: Stop Giving Big Tech Your Money

Sean Patrick Tario is a father, husband, entrepreneur, seed stage investor, author, community organizer and Christ loving patriot seeking and sharing Truth in Love. After 15 years as an entrepreneur and executive for various high tech companies in Silicon Valley, Sean...
John Loeffler: When Lies Give Way to Tyranny

John Loeffler: When Lies Give Way to Tyranny

Today’s guest John Loeffler: May and John look beyond all the ways that humans are lied to and consider the end game: coercion and persecution against the truth-tellers till they cry “uncle”. Silencing and cancelling truth is one thing; forcing...
LeMay & Fiorazo: The Future of Christianity in America

LeMay & Fiorazo: The Future of Christianity in America

Play Episode Podcast: Play in new window | Download Repeat broadcast featuring former hosts Mike LeMay & David Fiorazo: 2019 will bring powerful and unique challenges and opportunities for the Christian Church in America.  Satan’s battle against the Church...