Patricia Engler: Surviving the Worldview Battle in Academia – Zero Compromise

Patricia Engler: Surviving the Worldview Battle in Academia – Zero Compromise

Patricia Engler of Answers in Genesis talks about the importance of our youth maintaining their biblical worldview once they leave for the halls of academia. After studying at a secular university,  she backpacked around the world to interview Christian students and...
Alisa Childers: ‘Live Your Truth’ and Other Lies

Alisa Childers: ‘Live Your Truth’ and Other Lies

TODAY’S GUEST:  Alisa Childers is a wife, a mom, author, apologist, and speaker. She was a member of the award-winning CCM recording group ZOEgirl and has been published at The Gospel Coalition, Crosswalk, The Stream, For Every Mom, Decision magazine, and The...
John Loeffler: When Lies Give Way to Tyranny

John Loeffler: When Lies Give Way to Tyranny

Today’s guest John Loeffler: May and John look beyond all the ways that humans are lied to and consider the end game: coercion and persecution against the truth-tellers till they cry “uncle”. Silencing and cancelling truth is one thing; forcing...
Curtis Bowers: America – Running Out of Time; Technology Traps

Curtis Bowers: America – Running Out of Time; Technology Traps

Curtis Bowers and Mary discuss how we got to where we are in America and what individuals can do. Also: tech traps that could bring us closer to complete tyrrany. Sound of Freedom film notes and –  is it worth seeing? Curtis is the producer of Agenda: Grinding...