Replay – Why Stand Up for the Truth? How We Got Here…

Replay – Why Stand Up for the Truth? How We Got Here…

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Original Airdate 12/13/22 – (Former host) David Fiorazo and Mary Danielsen review recent church history going back to the seminaries, liberal theology, and the roots of the church growth movement. This led to what was known...
Replay – Why Stand Up for the Truth? How We Got Here…

Replay – Why Stand Up for the Truth? How We Got Here…

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Original Airdate 12/13/22 David Fiorazo and Mary Danielsen review recent church history going back to the seminaries, liberal theology, and the roots of the church growth movement. This led to what was known as the Emergent...

A Redefining of Christianity in America

Play Episode Podcast: Play in new window | Download   Art Ally Founder & President of  Timothy Plan Arthur D. Ally is Founder and President of Timothy Plan, the nation’s leading Biblically based, pro-life, pro-family mutual fund group which uses stringent moral...
LeMay & Fiorazo: The Future of Christianity in America

LeMay & Fiorazo: The Future of Christianity in America

Play Episode Podcast: Play in new window | Download Repeat broadcast featuring former hosts Mike LeMay & David Fiorazo: 2019 will bring powerful and unique challenges and opportunities for the Christian Church in America.  Satan’s battle against the Church...