Terry James: The Disappearing – Future Events that will Rock the World

Terry James: The Disappearing – Future Events that will Rock the World

Play Episode Podcast: Play in new window | Download TODAY’S GUEST is Terry James , author, general editor, prophecy expert, and co-author of numerous books and articles. James is a frequent lecturer on the study of end times, and interviews often with national...
JB Hixson: What Will Be the Outcome of These Events? Dan. 12:8

JB Hixson: What Will Be the Outcome of These Events? Dan. 12:8

TODAY’S GUEST Dr. JB HIXSON is an author, conference speaker, and pastor of Plum Creek Chapel near Denver, CO. JB is the founder of Not By Works Ministries, his latest book is Spirit of the Antichrist – the Gathering Cloud of Deception. He and his wife, Wendy live in...
Jan Markell: The Good & the Bad – ‘Church’ in These Last Days

Jan Markell: The Good & the Bad – ‘Church’ in These Last Days

Podcast: Play in new window | Download TODAY’S GUEST is Jan Markell, president of Olive Tree Views and host of Understanding the Times (UTT) radio. Jan  has written many books, produced DVDs, and incorporated Olive Tree Ministries in 1982. We are blessed to partner...