David Fiorazo: Headlines Reveal Clash of Worldviews

David Fiorazo: Headlines Reveal Clash of Worldviews

TODAY: David Fiorazo highlights the worldview war and spiritual forces of darkness relating to recent news and headlines from a biblical perspective including the shifting cultural (and media) narrative that Christians are fair game when it comes to discrimination,...
Fiorazo: News & Headlines – Biden, Dems Calling Evil Good

Fiorazo: News & Headlines – Biden, Dems Calling Evil Good

TODAY: David Fiorazo discusses recent headlines from a biblical perspective including the Biden Democrats going all-in on the transgender delusion; Marxist ideology, Wisconsin voter rolls, abortion exceptions, and Biden proposing federally regulated ‘universal...
Selwyn Duke: A World Without the West and Judeo-Christian Values

Selwyn Duke: A World Without the West and Judeo-Christian Values

TODAY’S GUEST: Selwyn Duke is a writer for The New American magazine. He has also written for The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and many other publications. In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks...
Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good and good evil. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a woman couldn’t do whatever she wanted with her body. They’re framing arguments by appealing to emotion...