Wayne Allyn Root: Conservatives & Patriots Have Power,  Time to BUY-cott!

Wayne Allyn Root: Conservatives & Patriots Have Power, Time to BUY-cott!

TODAY’S GUEST: Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, author, reality TV show producer, and former Presidential candidate. He is the author of 15 books and his latest #1 best-seller is called: The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book: The Great Conservative Companies to BUY From...
David Fiorazo: Responding to Demonic Agendas, Those in “the Snare of the Devil”

David Fiorazo: Responding to Demonic Agendas, Those in “the Snare of the Devil”

TODAY: David Fiorazo discusses recent news and headlines from a biblical perspective including the shifting media narrative that Christians are the problem to social ills rather than the solution; school shooting, Trump indictment, big tech influence, C’vd...
Heidi St. John: Common Sense, Covid Fear, Moral Relativism & Depraved Minds

Heidi St. John: Common Sense, Covid Fear, Moral Relativism & Depraved Minds

Play Episode https://www.standupforthetruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Heidi-St.-John_-Common-Sense-Covid.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download TODAY’S GUEST: The Busy Mom, Heidi St. John is back! As an author and speaker, Heidi has been discussing marriage,...