Wayne Allyn Root: Conservatives & Patriots Have Power,  Time to BUY-cott!

Wayne Allyn Root: Conservatives & Patriots Have Power, Time to BUY-cott!

TODAY’S GUEST: Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, author, reality TV show producer, and former Presidential candidate. He is the author of 15 books and his latest #1 best-seller is called: The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book: The Great Conservative Companies to BUY From...
Dr. Tim Murphy: The Christ Cure; SEG 2- Tucker, Truth, Trans Agenda

Dr. Tim Murphy: The Christ Cure; SEG 2- Tucker, Truth, Trans Agenda

TODAY: Dr. Tim Murphy is a licensed psychologist specializing in recovery from psychological trauma, and author of three books. He consults on mental health and public policy with national organizations an speaks extensively throughout the US. He served in the...
Todd Nettleton: Persecution, Increasing Hostility Against Christians, Churches

Todd Nettleton: Persecution, Increasing Hostility Against Christians, Churches

TODAY’S GUEST: Todd Nettleton is the Director of Media and Public Relations for The Voice of the Martyrs-USA and host of VOM Radio. Todd serves as a voice for persecuted Christians, inspiring believers with the faithfulness of Christ’s followers in 70+ nations where...
Fiorazo: The Left Opposes ‘God, Family, Country’

Fiorazo: The Left Opposes ‘God, Family, Country’

Play Episode https://www.standupforthetruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/100322_Fiorazo-The-Left-Opposes-God-Family-Country-Truth.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download Today, David Fiorazo breaks down news and current events from the perspective of a biblical...