Matt Trewhella: A Christian’s Authority is God Not Government

Matt Trewhella: A Christian’s Authority is God Not Government

Play Episode Play in new window | Download TODAY’S GUEST – Matt Trewhella the pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church in...
Christians, Politics & the ‘Separation of Church and State’ Lie

Christians, Politics & the ‘Separation of Church and State’ Lie

Play Episode Play in new window | Download Too many Americans and a large number of Christians have been deceived to think...
Lt. General William Boykin: Marxism, Masculinity, U.S. Military, and Persecution

Lt. General William Boykin: Marxism, Masculinity, U.S. Military, and Persecution

Play Episode Play in new window | Download TODAY’S GUEST: Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. Boykin serves as Executive Vice President of Family Research...