Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby: The Narrow Road of Truth, The Broad Path of Tradition

Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby: The Narrow Road of Truth, The Broad Path of Tradition

[Original airdate: 6/28/24] We welcome back Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby of Once Lost Ministries, apologists and evangelists who work tirelessly to bring truth and clarity to those caught up in false teaching. Today we discuss the Catholic faith and the various aspects...
JB Hixson: Destructive, Depraved Deceptions

JB Hixson: Destructive, Depraved Deceptions

Mary Danielsen chats with JB Hixson on the dangers of false teaching. It might be difficult to comprehend how those who are supposed to have the Holy Spirit Who guides us into all truth could ever assent to false teaching. Peter warns us in his 2nd epistle that...
Replay – Pastor Jeff Solwold: Shepherding the Flock of God

Replay – Pastor Jeff Solwold: Shepherding the Flock of God

Jeff Solwold and Mary Danielsen discuss pastoring in these times; what does God’s Word say about such a high calling? What are some challenges since the world changed in 2020? We also pursue some hard questions about the state of Bible Colleges and Christian...
Headlines: Distress of Nations, With a Side of Perplexity

Headlines: Distress of Nations, With a Side of Perplexity

In today’s installment of breaking news, Mary looks at the increasing chaos of the current world order, as we go from the kingdom of man to the Kingdom of Jesus, in which righteousness will dwell. We should expect turbulence. But how much? When an airplane full...
Replay: Mary Danielsen: Gnosticism – Hate the Gnosticism, Love the Gnostic

Replay: Mary Danielsen: Gnosticism – Hate the Gnosticism, Love the Gnostic

Mary talks today about Gnosticism, the mother of all cults and originator of all heresy. The early church battled it – and addressed it in the New Testament. Why should we care about Gnosticism? It truly goes back to the garden, it presents a universe where the...